If you’re going to use a credit card it mind as well be for something you need. We all need food to survive and starting next month (October 3rd) military patrons will be able to put their Military Star Card to good use at select base commissaries via a pilot test. If all goes well […] Read more…
Military Families Can Receive Pantry Starter Kits From Whole Foods & Blue Star Families
Moving is hard enough and PCS’ing with the military takes the cake. One of the sucky parts is having to get rid of your common place pantry items and having to start all over again. Blue Star Families in partnership with Whole Foods Markets wants to make the moving process a bit easier by providing […] Read more…
Dear Commissary: I’m Sorry For Breaking Up With You…
Like all relationships, ours started off with that spark of something different and appealing. You had convenience, no taxes, and sweet baggers who would help me out to my car when the kids were just about all I could handle– and I looked like a worn out frazzled mess. There was no judgement in your […] Read more…
5 Slow Cooker Thanksgiving Recipes for Your Military Family
Military families aren’t always able to leave base and travel home for Thanksgiving. Instead, we find ourselves at a unit potluck, we partner with other military families, we host single soldiers, we dine at the DFAC, or end up doing something small and quiet at home. My secret weapon to feeding a crowd, simplifying cooking, […] Read more…
Food & Love: 5 Reasons to Send a ShareCrate To A Military Family During A PCS
I have fond memories of watching my mom in her kitchen, happily cooking as music played. While breathing in delicious aromas, I patiently waited for the big question, “Do you want to lick the spoon?” If you grew up with a mom like mine, you know that love can be demonstrated through sharing food. On […] Read more…
Get To Know Your Neighbors On Aloha Thursday
I know some of you will read this and think to yourself “I would NEVER hang out with any of my neighbors” or “I cannot stand so and so or her husband, so I would never break bread with them” and I TOTALLY understand how you feel. We have moved 9 times in 12 years […] Read more…