Military Life

“Military Wives” Movie Is Now Streaming

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links in which we receive a commission if you make a purchase. While stay at home restrictions are slowly being lifted, you may still be limiting your outings and looking for ways to occupy your time. We are all looking for for those little pockets of joy and and lighthearted distractions. […] Read more…

We’ve Trained for This: Military Spouses and the Covid-19 Response

By now, you’ve probably seen the memes circulating the internet. They humorously link the military lifestyle to a stronger sense of readiness over our civilian counterparts in the rapidly evolving Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Although we’re in a potentially frightening and stressful situation, many of us feel a strange sense of confidence and familiarity in the […] Read more…

A Funny Thing Happened to My Accent…

“You’re from Boston?!?!?!” Uh, yeah. Well, okay, not Boston-Boston. If I said the actual small New England town I’m really from, you’d give me a blank stare of confusion. Seriously, no one has heard of it, or the closest “cities” either. That wasn’t the reason for my new friend’s confusion though. It was my accent. […] Read more…

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