We’ve all been there. Someone finds out the Hubs is deployed and we’re instantly bombarded with the craziest statements and questions. I’ve compiled a list of the ones that I’ve “enjoyed” the most!
#10 He’s making crazy money! What’s a few months?
First of all, it’s not a few months. It’s 7-8 months in the Navy. Secondly, while the money is nice I’d much rather have my husband at home, safe and alive.
#9 You’ll be fine You guys can video chat whenever you want.
You precious thing you. When they invent “reach out and touch video chat”, you let me know, okay?
#8 I’d die if I couldn’t have sex that long!!
I don’t even have a response to this one. I mean seriously, if that’s the only thing that was keeping you married perhaps you need to reevaluate.
#7 Now you’ve got plenty of time to get back in shape.
Okay…in all fairness to the person who said this…it really is true BUT that still doesn’t mean you can just say it out loud. Write it on a piece of paper or something or better yet put it in the form of a gift membership to the local gym.
#6 He’ll be back before you know it!
If that were true he would have been back…maybe even before you finished that silly statement. 7-8 months…got it? Good.
#5 Why don’t you move back home?
Why is there this misconception that because I am a Military Spouse I adore picking up and moving at the drop of a hat? I love my family and eventually we will move back home but for right now we’ve got school, basketball, tae kwon do, church, etc. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
#4 So where exactly is he? I mean like can you give me coordinates?
Believe it or not it’s military spouses who do this more than others. OPSEC is in place for a reason…adhere to it…please and thank you.
#3 I hope he’s being faithful.
I really need my side eye emoticon for this one. Why in the world would you ever say that to a Military Spouse?! Any Spouse for that matter?
#2 What if he doesn’t come back?
As in he decides to build a life in another country? Because if you mean what I think you mean it’s about to be on and poppin’ up in here!
#1 I could never be you.
And that my dear is exactly why you’re not. It takes a special woman to do what I do and an even more special woman to keep on doing what I do. I love his dirty boots and I wouldn’t trade him or them for anything in this world.
Danielle has been a Navy Spouse for 15 years to her dear husband, Corey. Together they have 4 children and reside on the West Coast. Currently pursuing a career in Screenwriting, Danielle hopes to one day bring a voice to the African American community of military families. In her spare time, Danielle enjoys cardio in the form of shopping and relaxing on the beach.
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