Month: August 2009

My Visit to Pearl Harbor

Today my family and I visited the most toured place in Hawaii PEARL HARBOR. Let me just say that I feel guilty for not visiting sooner. Words cannot describe the emotion and feeling that comes upon you when you realize that you are standing on top of a sunken ship and hundreds (if not thousands) […] Read more…

Army Wives 08/16/09

Ok so I have to be honest I have not been impressed with the last episode or two of Army Wives. This is coming from the same real life Army Wifey who stormed the set demanding a tour LOL. Ok so I didn’t quite demand a tour but I did beg. I’ll write about that […] Read more…

Army Wife 101 New Design

I am sure you have noticed the new layout of Army Wife 101. Lindsay from Sour Apple Studios did an awesome job with it and I hope all my readers enjoy. I wanted our hangout spot to feel warm and comfy so I hope I have succeeded at doing this. I am still working on […] Read more…

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