Month: September 2016

The Day He Contemplated Suicide

*Names have been changed to protect privacy. As I sipped my coffee and checked my Facebook, an alarming message came through from my friend Linda*. She shared that her husband had suffered a mental breakdown and expressed thoughts of killing himself. Linda was understandably panicked. Her husband Luke was an Army veteran, her spouse of […] Read more…

Test Your Military Home for Mold

For those of us in military housing, we have little idea of what happened with previous tenants. Was there a water leak that wasn’t treated correctly? Were damp rooms properly ventilated? Why does the carpet have a musty smell? The culprit could be an abundance of household mold. Mold is natural and can be found […] Read more…

Milspouses Who Served: I Was a Soldier

Not all women marry into the military — some enlist in it. Across the country, brave women answer the call of duty and make the choice to serve our country. It is safe to say that some aspects of their commitment were expected, such as physical challenges and a demanding lifestyle. What they may not […] Read more…

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