Year: 2021

Back To School For Kids…Back To School For Milspouses

This post is sponsored by #Medcerts4Milspouses. All thoughts and opinions are our own. Milspouse, as you hold down the homefront, support your servicemember, manage your household, and care for your family, you dream of doing something for yourself. You’d love to acquire competitive professional skills, enhance your marketability, and launch (or jump back into) your […] Read more…

Struggling Milspouses Need Support, Not Judgment

You’ve probably encountered a military spouse who just doesn’t have it together. We’ve all had those days where the kids are screaming, our house is crazy, we haven’t showered in… wait, how many days now? You get the point. We’re not talking about the spouse who doesn’t have it together once in a while — […] Read more…

How to Celebrate our Military Children

April is the Month of the Military Child. However, we shouldn’t limit ourselves to showering our littlest heroes with joy for only one month. Our military kids have been through a lot in their short lives. Adding a global pandemic, online school, and a total lack of normalcy to the already stressful military lifestyle, and […] Read more…

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