Today’s Spotlight highlights a new website that’s focus is right up my alley “Military Discounts”. The name of this site is called Just For Military and the owner a 24 year Airforce Veteran shares his insight and details about this new project for military families.

“Military discounts are a show of respect, a sign or support from those who appreciate what we do and the sacrifices we make as military families.” I believe this and I think our military community businesses owners do as well. It is for this reason I started a website for our military families and business owners to list those businesses and discounts, post reviews, rate, and chat about these discounts.

I served 24 years in the United States Air Force and recently retired. I had such an amazing career that I had to find a way to stay involved with our military and show support for our families. It is this reason I turned what was a hobby into a live website for our families. I provide a way for our families to share the military discounts they know of in their community, online, or that they have experienced while in other communities.


*Users of the site can add the business that provided the discount

*Review the business and even give the business a rating based on their experience.

*Utilize chat section where they can pass along additional information.

*Users can also request friendships with others and even leave comments for users who have posted reviews.

I want our families to have fun with the site but most importantly post those reviews so all our families around the world know where they can take advantage of those military discounts.

For our business owners in the military communities, especially our veteran owned businesses, I encourage them to list their business on the site so our military families know about you. It allows them to easily find you and provides them a way to leave some reviews so that other military families are encouraged to visit you. It is a great way to get exposure to the huge military market and show your support to our families.

Come visit and tell us about the businesses you know are offering our military families some form of discount. We are adding an “Events and Promotions” section as well where you will be able to post those events going on in your community our military families would enjoy, and for our businesses to list any promotions in the community for our families. Join our Facebook Fan page and watch for our announcements and big news about discounts and promotions. Tell your friends about the site and as we grow so will our benefit to our families.

Our families deserve the best and they deserve that little extra thank you. gives you the place to find both especially for the Seymour Johnson AFB military community. Hope to see you on the site posting those discounts. Feel free to e-mail me or post a message on our Facebook page and I will be sure to take care of you.

God bless our military families!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.



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