Moni Jefferson is a milspouse entrepreneur who believes that you can create a career of your dreams while supporting your spouse’s military career. The Air Force spouse was also raised as a military kid, so for as long as she can remember, the military has played a role in shaping Moni’s life. She spent years […] Read more…
Make Extra Cash & Find New Value In Your Kids Old Things With
We all know how it goes…The hubby (or wifey) gets orders and so begins the task (more like ordeal) of getting rid of stuff. If you have children, more then likely a good portion of the “stuff” belongs to them. is the go to site to “Make Extra Cash” and Find value in your […] Read more…
Share Your Breakfast!!!
With having two school age children, it is extremely important for them to have a good healthy breakfast every morning to start off their day. Everyday many kids go to school without this one vital meal for various reasons. Breakfast is essential in that I know for me personally it keeps me from having that […] Read more…
Who Is 1-800-PACK-RAT? Many times in the Army life military families choose to do DITY moves, as well as move themselves in situations such as upcoming deployments or unaccompanied tours. Moving yourself is stressful enough without the worries of how you’re going to store your household goods or how you will get your possessions to […] Read more…
Today’s Spotlight highlights a new website that’s focus is right up my alley “Military Discounts”. The name of this site is called Just For Military and the owner a 24 year Airforce Veteran shares his insight and details about this new project for military families. “Military discounts are a show of respect, a sign or […] Read more…
PR Spotlight…Showcase Your Business Or Product on Army Wife 101
Military spouses are joining the ranks of entrepreneurs with everything from Candle businesses to creating Customs Bags from ACU uniforms. Army Wife 101 will showcase you to the military community worldwide and to various readers from possibly your military installation through the latest addition to Army Wife 101 called ” The PR Spotlight. This section […] Read more…