Let me assure you that I don’t get into political hoo-haa on Army Wife 101 because it’s just not my thing to argue back and forth plus I have lots of friends from every side of the spectrum and I really do learn a lot from all of my friends who share a wide range of political perspectives.
All that aside this is still a military lifestyle blog and while I am not particularly discussing my views I did want to share one of those infamous Facebook pieces that has already made it’s way through the social media highway because it has to do with the …MILITARY!
The piece is said to have been from a soldier writing to Romney in regards to the now infamous “47% comments”.
I wanted to share it, because before I saw it just a few minutes ago I pondered this thought on Facebook earlier this morning ” I wonder if our troops who don’t pay taxes while deployed were included in that number”?
I am fair when it comes to speaking politics and will only throw out facts from either side so when I asked the question I was genuinely seeking to know if I was the only who had that same thought.
The piece is said to have been written by a soldier and since the 47% incident was revealed only a few days ago I can only assume this is not one of those snopes pieces that has been circulating the net for years, although I am sure it will turn into one but that is yet to be known.
“Dear Mitt Romney
The vast majority of my income last year was “tax excluded” which resulted in me paying no income tax. Additionally, I was the recipient of a number of government “entitlements,” including Basic Allowance for Housing, Basic Allowance for Sustenance, Family Separation Allowance, Hazardous Duty Pay and Hostile Fire Pay. Oh, and for most of the year, I enjoyed 3 (and sometimes 4) meals a day on the government dime, as was my healthcare. Apparently this places me with 47% of the American public who are “victims” that are “dependent upon the government” and “pay no income taxes.” By your own comments, my inclusion in this group indicates that you neither count on, or even want my vote. Further, according to you, it is not your job “to worry about” me.First, I would point out that you are running for President of the United States – a position that includes the job as Commander in Chief. Perhaps I am wrong in my understanding that a major part of that job was to be “concerned with” the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who fall under that command. Your comments indicate that you are not at all prepared for this task.
While it was unlikely that you would have received my vote prior to the publication of these comments, your chances now stand somewhere between slim and none…but, since I’m in the 47% I guess you weren’t really counting on it anyway…”
Some say military and their families are overreacting in sharing the same thoughts written in the letter above.
Do you think military are part of that 47% why or why not?
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I didn’t even think about the military being included before I read this blog and this “soldier’s” letter. I do agree with the letter though. Either way, to me, I don’t want either guy in office. Every election it seems we just vote for the lesser of two evils. The guys who would really make a difference never get enough funding and publicity to get their name out there. Vote Ron Paul.
Ya, thats it, vote for Ron Paul, that surely will be a vote for Oblamer. Any vote other then Romney is a vote for the dope thats already there.
Romney’s comment while not so eloquently stated, has been completely taken out of context and run amok with. Don’t count on the media to report unbiased information, the articles I’ve read are vastly skewed toward the Liberal Left I’d swear the Obama camp is hiring people to write them. Let’s just say for the sake of this discussion, the above letter is legit. My personal opinion on the matter is that he was referring to the portion of Americans who are totally satisfied living off the government vs. doing for themselves. Some may be able bodied and choose not to work but collect benefits from the government. Some pay no taxes AT ALL by deliberate avoidance not because of “tax breaks.” I have 5 children (4 young and still at home) and every year that we have filed taxes, we get a return. That is just what we OVERPAID based on our family size and other allowable deductions. Does that put me in the “47%”? I don’t think so! My feeling is that Military families are NOT part of the “47%” #1 they are serving their country, sometimes in dangerous situations, and should be given the extra perks for doing so. #2 they are employed and working for themselves to provide for themselves and their families. Their paycheck just happens to be paid for by the government. Should we argue that all government workers are mooching off the government? In some (maybe most) cases they are single income families with children and unfortunately the pay is not sufficient enough so they need to use additional benefits such as WIC, food stamps, etc. Perhaps at some point if we can reduce unnecessary government spending, enlisted soldiers will get a pay grade that IS sufficient enough. That “47%” he referred to that aren’t going to vote for him because he is against big government and for forcing the masses to get out there and do for themselves where they are able (sorry girl at the grocery checkout line in front me using food stamps while carrying a Coach bag and texting on your iPhone). He’s not getting rid of assistance programs. He’s not saying NO ONE should EVER use assistance programs. They are sometimes necessary and that is why we have them. They are NOT a way of life and a permanent income source. We are a Military family and we are voting for Romney. I do not like where Obama is taking this country, his policies are all about bigger government and socialization. Here’s the icing on the cake for us Military families, under Obama there is LESS need for military. There have been immense drawbacks. More and more service members will be out of their current job and don’t count on any jobs when their time in the military is up. I don’t have that same fear if Romney is elected. Voting the same way as 4 years ago and expecting different results is a vote for insanity.
I <3 you!!
KimD, those cutbacks were in large part because of the republicans. Who didn’t just vote for the military jobs bill? Not a single republican voted for it not even the ones that wrote the bill.
What he said was not taken out of context. Actually, only about 6% of the population is on welfare. Some of the 47% is disabled and seniors. The rest are paying payroll taxes, which means they are working at places like Walmart, fast food etc. They aren’t taking handouts, they are working. Yes, that number would also include the military.
Romney wants the job of being president. That would be president of the whole country, not just the 1% or the other 53%. He is not the man for the job.
LOL I swear people crack me up. Let’s not take the facts, let’s mis quote and do everything we can do discredit the Republican running. For the most part Romney is correct here. I think he was talking about the welfare mongers that will vote democrat no matter what.
Let’s not look at the fact that Obama associated with a known domestic terrorist or the fact that Obama has multiple social security number he is using. Nooo let’s take a quote and get our panties in a wad.. good grief people crack me up. Yes let’s re elect someone who has done everything to destroy America, yeah give that guy another 4 years to do even more damage. Smart…
Ashley, America was already destroyed after the 8 years of Bush. You cannot expect one man to fix everything in 4 years. Whatever he tries to fix they tell him no. All of the Politicians have to work together to fix this country.
Do you know for a fact that Obama has many social security numbers? No
So, if you Americans would stand together, you wouldn’t have time to blame one man for a whole country falling apart. BTW, just incase you are wondering sweetie I’m an American.
We are NOT part of the 47%. He is talking about people who live on the system. If you live off the system are you going to vote Republican? Someone who may cut your benefits and force you off welfare if you are capable of working. Of course not! So how is that not correct?
For those who say I am definately not voting for Romney now..think about this…Have you been watching what has been going on in the middle east? Our government for 5 days has been lying saying that it was not a terrorist attack, but because of a video. Have you been watching the news? All of his people and the President himself were saying it was because of a video. Not twisting or shading the truth…flat out lying. The President of Libya and just plain old logic said it was a terrorist attack. They finally admitted oh yeah it was a terrorist attack. There was no extra protection for a US Ambassador and a 4 people died on SEPTEMBER 11. Why are you not outraged about that? Why are you not outraged that 4 people died who we were supposed to protect? Have you seen the pictures of what they actually did to the Ambassador when his body was missing? You have to really search for them, but they are there and they are not pretty. This is who you want protecting your SOLDIER!
Who is really going to help the economy? Have you seen the national debt? Have you watched our spending? Who is going to protect your soldier? Vote with your head. Look at the issues. I don’t agree with all of the issues Romney stands for socially, but I don’t think we can have another 4 years of Obama.
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