Join me as I take you on my first outdoor exercise of the new year and the mishaps along the way in addition to this morning’s breakfast:




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3 Comments on Journey To A New Me: My Body Is Like Are You For Real…Where’s The Food LOL?

  1. lol you crack me up! You’re off to a good start! I buy those same egg whites and during the day when I want to snack I will make an egg white omelet with lot’s of cut up veggies (onion,bell pepper,mushrooms etc) and top it off with tabasco sauce. Delicious.. p.s I also snack on popcorn alot throughout the day instead of chips cookies etc.

  2. Ok now Krystel…with the number of followers you have YOU KNOW we’re gonna be on your arse…lol….girl, it’s about about the mind. If you want it bad enough, not only to look and feel better but to be healthier, you can so do it. It is important to snack throughout the day because this allows you to continue to burn calories and your stomach will maintain at a “full” level. The way I lost my weight after pregnancy was with the 50 million pound challenge 30 day meal plan. This plan gives you everything for a whole month, including a shopping list per week. Now, for most of the stuff you probably already have at home, but the first week tends to be the most “expensive” in trying to stock on what you don’t have but you will use it for the following weeks. The site is You register for free, follow your progress, and get the meal plan. Believe me, your stomach will shrink as you go along and you won’t need as much food to be satisfied. KRYSTEL….YOU CAN DO IT!!!! LET’S GO!!! You done started something now.

  3. The hardest thing for me was cutting back on my portions!! A lot of the time if I was still feeling hungry I would snack on Almonds or Carrots or something of that nature. Almonds are pretty good for you, but you’re still only supposed to eat like… 10 or 15 of them for a snack. Which was like… WHAT. lol.

    Definitely eat snacks. Snacking is good for you! It keeps your metabolism working. And be sure to have breakfast in the morning. :) It’s the best.

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