Image Credit: Jack Daniels

I’ve never had a shot of Jack Daniels in my life because I would probably fall out LOL! That being said despite my not being able to handle a small drink like a champ I can’t help but share the awesomeness they are doing for our military.

This holiday season Jack Daniels is partnering with the Armed Services YMCA to help service members get home for the holidays With “Operation Ride Home”. I think this is amazing because for years I have been saying it would be great if there was a little bit of financial help to get junior enlisted military and their dependents to where ever their family is across the country for the holiday season.

Via The Jack Daniels website:

The trained staff of the ASYMCA will work closely with military commands and committed volunteers in every branch of service to identify those service members and families in most need of financial assistance and to assist them with travel. Through travel vouchers for plane tickets and pre-paid debit cards for gas, lodging and food, we hope to surpass the overwhelming success of last year’s effort that helped send 721 Fort Campbell soldiers and their families home last year.

 In the spirit of giving it would be great to help the cause and support those who serve us.

To make a donation to Operation Ride Home visit



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6 Comments on Okay Non-Military Peeps…Help Troops Travel Home On Leave For The Holidays With Jack Daniels Operation Ride Home!

  1. It’s nice of them to do this, but why do people put ranks on things. Just because you are higher in rank doesn’t me you can afford to fly across the country with your family.

  2. That is amazing that they are able to offer this for families! I know we haven’t been home for the holidays in years. Now being stationed in Hawaii it’s really not possible. For our family of 5 to go from Hawaii to Maine and back is over $5000! I hope people donate and they are able to give some families a chance to be together this holiday season.

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