I’ve mentioned in several posts how I am so appreciative of the USO and all they have done for us when we have needed to utilize their services while waiting in airports. Because of this I am always all for seeing them gain monetary support.
Gillette really appreciates the dedication of our heros to our country and the thousands upon thousands of service men and women who have heroically devoted their lives and serve in the Armed Forces.
This June, Gillette needs YOUR help to honor these courageous men and women and donate $100,000 to the USO!
How To Help Gillette Donate $100K to the USO Using Facebook
Through July 4th, Gillette will donate $1 for every picture or story posted to Facebook of a service member in your life.
To participate all you need to do is visit Gillette’s Facebook page (bitly.com/ShareAStoryUSO) and share your pride in a salute, message, photo or video about a loved one in the military. The post can be a message, “We are so proud of you and can’t wait until you come home”, a military headshot or a more detailed personal story about your friends and family.
Disclosure: This is a complimentary post for Gillette.
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