Military Spouse

Struggling Milspouses Need Support, Not Judgment

You’ve probably encountered a military spouse who just doesn’t have it together. We’ve all had those days where the kids are screaming, our house is crazy, we haven’t showered in… wait, how many days now? You get the point. We’re not talking about the spouse who doesn’t have it together once in a while — […] Read more…

Disney Feature Added to the Organized Chaos™ Military Lifestyle App

Do you love Disney? Do you love the convenience of apps? Then you need to know what milspouses Ashton Reagin and Brittani Stratton have just announced! As they say, leave it to military spouses to get things done. Ashton and Britani have found a way to not only simplify your crazy everyday military life, but […] Read more…

Books For Military Kids: Daddy Left with Mr. Army: A Child’s View of Military Deployment

The book is called ‘Daddy Left with Mr. Army:  A Child’s View of Military Deployment.’ Milspouse author Chandelle Walker shares her inspiration for this book and how it will help military kids cope with deployments. The Backstory My name is Chandelle Walker I am a military spouse who recently wrote the children’s book for military […] Read more…

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