When the hubby’s away the snacks come into play! Find out what Army Wife 101 munches on the most while hubby is deployed. What do you find yourself grubbing on when hubby is deployed or on a TDY? Read more…
Journey Through Deployment:After R&R Continued
Journey Through Deployment: Hubby Leaves for Iraq
Important Info: In compliance with OPSEC I have posted my videos on different days so as not to give any info of the day my husband’s unit left. Ok now that we got past all that …It was inevitable that I posted this video, even though I have mixed feelings since I do show some […] Read more…
Countdown to D-Day…Breakfast Date
With the hubby leaving it was nice to have a spur of the moment breakfast date while the kids were at school. I am absolutely going to miss these outtings for a while. Here is a clip of us on our date :) Read more…
Countdown To D-Day…Bitter Sweet Moments 08/19/2009
And So It Begans (Countdown to D-Day)
I decided to do a collection of Vlogs documenting my journey of this deployment from start to finish. What better way then to start with what actually takes place before the actual deployment even begins. Hope you enjoy the video! Make an on-line slide show at http://www.OneTrueMedia.com Read more…