
Veterans And As Many As Five Guests Receive 50 Percent Off Single-Day Admission To SeaWorld, Busch Gardens Parks and Sesame Place

For many year SeaWorld Parks Entertainment (formerly Anheuser Busch) has for years extended free tickets to AD military and Reservists to any of their parks. Now just in time for Veteran’s Day the folks at SeaWorld Parks are offering a special discount for Veteran’s and their families of up to 50% off. I could put […] Read more…

Seaworld Parks Waves of Honor Creates 2nd Program That Offers New Military Discount to Former Military Personnel

The program now known as Waves of Honor (formerly known as Hero Salute) which allows military and their dependents to visit one of the Seaworld Parks for free, has created a new program for men and women who are former members of the Armed Forces. In addition to the current Waves of Honor™ military salute […] Read more…