This video explains some of the common questions asked by many new spouses whose husband are about to graduate AIT and are soon to embark on a PCS move.
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This video explains some of the common questions asked by many new spouses whose husband are about to graduate AIT and are soon to embark on a PCS move.
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My husband put in a Call to Active Duty packet. We have household goods from our previous move in storage in another state. When we PCS will they pick up our household goods from our storage and our current location?
Hi Tina and thanks for stopping by Army Wife 101
If I am understanding correctly, you are wanting to know will the Army pick up HHG’s from both locations. If that is the case unfortunately they will not. You will need to have all HHG’s at one location and you , your spouse or the contact listed on the paperwork will need to be present.
Best of Luck
Army Wife 101
my husband finishes AIT in july so he’ll be home july 10th so when will they give us our orders because hes been in AIT 8 1/2 weeks now and he’s PT leader. They told him that some people will have to stay for additonal training if he is picked there he’ll have to stay an extra 3 weeks