Onpost Living

Get Your PCS Spring Cleaning On & Restock Essentials With Walmart’s #StockUpSave

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Walmart  Its that time of year where we begin decluttering our homes and opening up those leftover boxes from last year’s PCS move. This means washing clothes, dusting, and get some of the dirt and grime off of household items. In the midst of this you might decide […] Read more…

6 Ways to Cope with Military Homesickness

Military life involves moving…so much moving. Perhaps you are leaving your town for the first time, or you’re a seasoned spouse who can easily hop duty stations every few years. No matter the case, there are days you’ll feel homesick.   Home could be your hometown, your college town, or even a previous duty station. […] Read more…

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