Month: August 2016

Are You Properly Washing Your ACU’s?

Disclaimer: We’ve partnered up with Seventh Generation for this post to bring you this great information. Did you read the laundering instructions for your spouse’s Army Combat Uniforms (ACUs)? I didn’t. Furthermore, my husband didn’t share any pointers before I washed my first (and 100th) load of his clothes. I experienced minor blunders: super secret […] Read more…

Victories For Veterans: My Dad’s Story

The year was 1971. Richard Nixon was in the White House. In homes, televisions portrayed the tragically graphic scenes of the Vietnam War, which had been raging on for 16 years beginning with American military advisors and continuing with combat troops. Many Americans were protesting as young men were drafted or doing their best to […] Read more…

#LivingFearless While Stationed Abroad

My husband is a soldier and we were fortunate enough to be stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany for three magical years. Once settled in, I couldn’t wait to explore outside the boundaries of “little America” (aka our military base), and immerse ourselves in new surroundings, cultures and languages.   While my family was ready to adventure […] Read more…

The Perfect Goodbye

Let’s be straight from the beginning here. You know if you’ve ever had the challenge of saying goodbye to your spouse, the fantasy of the perfect goodbye is much more common that the reality of it. When it is your Soldier’s time to go, you want everything to be perfect, just like in the movies. […] Read more…

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