Now I am not saying this happens to everyone but I’ve been blogging about the military life for 5 years. I’ve talked to hundreds if not thousands of military spouses via email and online about homecoming and the first full day the men are home. I’ve also experienced that “first day” home myself and know firsthand that it doesn’t always play out like the movies.
Here in fun simply gif style is a round up of the potential possibilities of how that “magical” first night home can turn out.
1. They return home and you imagine that initial reunion where you and his(her) eyes lock will go like this:
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2. And because there is always some kind of delay it usually winds up like this…Please wait…Please Wait…
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3. And of course you can never have your moment when you automatically see them. Instead you are searching through a sea of green.
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4. Here’s your new home…well your old home…well what I mean is welcome home…
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5. Because you dreamed of a perfect TV shower but a year of sharing showers turned him into a bath man!
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6. You will want to sit and talk and hear all about “over there” but chances are you will do most of the talking.
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7. Playtime for hours with the kiddos
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8. A beer and all the TV he can stand is usually next.
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9. Candlelight dinner? No…More like eat everything he’s missed for the last 12 months.
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10. Is it finally alone time…It’s been 12 months this could be awkward…nah not really!!
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