The winner of the giveaway is Beth Donnelly

A few months back I shared with you how I was chosen to be a Sears Outlet Signature Team Mom, hence the cute pink badge to the left.

With that came many great responsibilities, one of which includes reviewing products and I recently was asked to do my first review.

As a military spouse, it’s an absolute given you have to be independent and have a little handy man knowledge. This is why I am so glad to do this review , because it’s definitely not the norm but great information for us spouses to know.

My husband’s past deployments have brought one major advantage…not having to do the lawn! Those of you familiar with military housing might be aware that normally when a spouse is deployed you can usually sign up to have your lawn maintained.

Unfortunately for us when he came back reality hit once again, and we began our weekly circular and internet search for a lawn mower that worked well but was within budget. Just as we were narrowing down our search, Sears Outlets contacted me to review for a Craftsman 625 Gold Edition Lawnmower. We picked it up and were jumping for joy because for it was a real lawn mower, not one of those non motorized push ones we had inherited from hubby’s mom many moons ago at the beginning of our marriage (yes she actually gave us that …that’s another blog post) or the $79 special we purchased one summer that didn’t even last a year.

Hubby was the first one to test out our new lawnmower and of course he knew all the mechanics of it engine wise and all those other important man things. I on the other hand was looking for 3 main features:

Hubby was shocked to come home for lunch and see me mowing!

1. Easy To Push: I am not one for lots of intense physical labor, so I wanted something I could easily push that actually cut the grass well without me feeling like I was trying to push a block of bricks. Although this lawn mowers wasn’t self propelled it sure felt like it was.

Very Easy To Push!

2. Starts on the first pull: Remember that last lawn mower I mentioned above, yeah let’s just say that if it was a car ,it would have been a lemon because it never wanted to start up . With the Craftsman it started on the first pull and I restarted it several times just to make sure it wasn’t pulling my leg, but with each pull I was pleasantly surprised.

3. It had a bag. The lawnmower my parents had never had a storage bag for all the cut grass and neither did the one my husband and I had previously owned. I was so estatic to see this one did have a bag, although my only complaint was the bag filled up pretty quickly. In our case our yard isn’t that big so we only had to dump it once.

Sears Outlets offer low prices, awesome customer service and assistance and a manufacturers warranty on everything they sell.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out a Sears Outlet, I seriously recommend it. You can start by viewing their inventory at


Wait that’s not all ( I sound like an informercial don’t I ?)

In celebration of this review I have a little giveaway just for you guys. For those of us who love to buy meats and other perishables in bulk and freeze them away with ease, I have been provided with a Kenmore Seal-n-Save Select Vacuum Sealer.

Features Include:

  • Fully-Automatic vacuum and sealing
  • Preserves food up to 5 times longer than traditional food storage methods
  • Over-ride seal function for delicate foods
  • Economical – buy in bulk and save for later
  • Protects against freezer burn
  • Microwave, Freezer and Boil-in-Bag save
  • Includes roll storage and bag cutter
  • How To Enter:

    Mandatory Entry (1 entry): Simply visit the Sears Outlet site and let me know what products you would purchase from there.

    Extra Ways to Win ( 1 entry each…Leave a comment below for each extra entry you do )

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    Tweet : “Army Wife 101 Sears Outlet review and Kenmore Vacuum Sealer Giveaway @armywives101 @searsoutlet” #giveaway

    Contest ends Saturday October 16, 2010. Winner will be chosen via .

    Be sure to leave a valid email so I may contact you if you are the winner…Winner must respond within 48 hours or another person will be chosen in their place.

    Disclaimer: I am a Sears Outlet Signature Mom and received this product to review. No other form of compensation was received and my opinions as always are honest and my own.



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    151 Comments on Sears Outlet First Review & A Giveaway!!! (Closed..Winner Below)

    1. I am going to buy when we get to our new house… Duet HT® 4.0 I.E.C. cu. ft. Ultra Capacity Plus Front-Load Washer && the dryer that matches <3

    2. Hrm…what COULDN’T I use off that site?! LOL! Honestly, what we need and want the most is a chest freezer. With the twins coming this winter, we will be buying A LOT in bulk and freezing all we can. So what I would buy is probably a reconditioned 14.8cu.ft. chest freezer.

    3. Oh if we could only afford a new washer and dryer, I would definitely scoop up the GE High Efficiency Front Loading Washer & Dryer (in that fabulous red of course). A girl can wish, right? :)

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