
Meet the Milspouse Entrepreneurs Behind makeHER

Three successful milspouse serial entrepreneurs, Krystel Spell, Kesha Cole, and Kia Young, noticed that there was something missing in the milspouse entrepreneurial community. They were in search of an intimate business retreat that would focus on entrepreneurial tactics balanced with essential wellness. Krystel shares, “We searched and couldn’t find that experience. So in true milspouse […] Read more…

Military Mamas, Want Your Body Back? Check Out M.O.M.S.

Taking care of ourselves as a military spouse tends to fall further and further down the priority list the crazier life gets. It can easily be attributed to work, kids, our spouse’s career, moving, and the never ending “hurry up and wait” games we often play. I’ve lived through this perpetual state of change. As […] Read more…

Meet Milspouse Moni Jefferson: PR and Social Media Pro

Moni Jefferson is a milspouse entrepreneur who believes that you can create a career of your dreams while supporting your spouse’s military career. The Air Force spouse was also raised as a military kid, so for as long as she can remember, the military has played a role in shaping Moni’s life. She spent years […] Read more…

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