Taking care of ourselves as a military spouse tends to fall further and further down the priority list the crazier life gets. It can easily be attributed to work, kids, our spouse’s career, moving, and the never ending “hurry up and wait” games we often play.
I’ve lived through this perpetual state of change. As a military spouse of 15 years and a mama to three girls, I get it! It’s so easy to put our needs and our self care last, when really we need to start putting them first. My husband never understood how I could forget to eat until he was left alone with the three girls for a weekend. He quickly realized that this “mom gig” was not for rookies, and understands completely how one forgets to eat. As women we naturally want to do everything for everyone, but we need to add ourselves to the list as well.
Can anyone relate? We have to stop doing this to ourselves! We should go on the very top of the priority list every single day. If we expect to do our jobs and do them well, then we have to do us first. This, of course, is a lot easier said than done, but it isn’t impossible, with the help of M.O.M.S, the Military Outreach MUTU System.
This is why I want to share the top 5 reasons every milspo should join our M.O.M.S. Community
1. You can do it from the comfort of your own home
Or at your mom’s house, or in the hotel waiting for housing to get you in your new home. As long as you have a wifi connection, you can access the online videos from any device. Talk about user-friendly! So no matter where you are in the world, or what your next adventure with the military may be, you can stay on track with a program that was specifically designed for women.
2. All of the equipment you need can fit in your purse or suitcase
To get a functional total body workout with this program, there is no crazy equipment required. All you will need is a small Pilates ball (which deflates easily), a flat resistance band, and a loop band. We have made this really easy for you, too! You can get the kit bag that includes everything you will need when you join our community. I have packed my MUTU kit in my purse and my luggage many times! I strive to put my self care first even in the chaos of a PCS or deployment. Working out and moving my body is an outlet for me. I can tell a difference when I don’t sweat that extra energy out. It’s often hard to stay on track when life gets hectic, but the reality of the life we live is that it’s not going to slow down just because we need a break. I can also tell you, that I have never once regretted a workout, but I have had regret for not doing one. I regretted not putting myself on the top off my to do list.
3. Our number one goal for you is to gain body confidence
My number one goal for you is always function first. This program is not about the way you look, but how you feel! It focuses in on reconnecting your mind with your body, especially after baby. And I want to mention that it’s never too late to start this program. So whether you’re 6 weeks or 60 years postpartum, you can be fit from these exercises! M.O.M.S. teaches you how to build the foundation first and then you can safely go back to doing the things you love. The statistics of women suffering in this area of women’s health are not in our favor. A large percentage of women are suffering with symptoms, leaving them feeling disconnected and disempowered with their own bodies. Our mission is to change that and help you shift your mindset that often less can be more, and function must always come first!
4. You deserve to have a body that works right
Every woman deserves to have a body that works right! It is vital for the military woman — both soldiers and spouses — to have a working body! I suffered with pelvic floor dysfunction for six years and was told over and over again that my symptoms were normal. It was very inconvenient to have to suffer though my symptoms during deployments while being a single mom. I was already going through a hard time, and to not have my body working on top of that, was super frustrating. I have never been a soldier but I imagine that being in the field or deployed, it would be super inconvenient for a female soldier to have to deal with incontinence or any aches and pains due to a weak core and pelvic floor. We live a life where we are on the go most of the time and never really sure what might come next. We deserve a lot of things and having a body thats works right is one of them!
5. Military Outreach MUTU System was created specifically for you!
This Outreach program was designed specific for military women! The planning that went into this project was all about you and how to make things easier and more doable. Our lifestyle in the military was taken into some serious consideration. We strive at meeting our military women where they are and empowering you with education, resources and tools on pelvic floor and core health. Making sure that getting access to all of the information we have for you is easy. We want to make things simple, which is why we also have our private online community where you can connect with other military women who are going through exactly what you are going though! From the newbie all the way to the seasoned spouse, we are in this together!
Watch the Interview (With No Such Thing As TMI)!
Ready for some real talk? You’re not alone. Check out this very candid, personal, and informative conversation between Army Wife 101’s Jackie Toops and Ashley Gammon to hear all about the Military Outreach MUTU System.
Mama, Take Control of Your Body
There are many reasons I want all of my military women to know about M.O.M.S. And that drives our project and the passion behind it. I have simply created a space I wish I would have had a decade ago after I delivered my first baby via cesarean in that German hospital in Schweinfurt, Germany. We deserve so many resources and support after baby and that’s what I want to be for all of you! Ready to get started? Join me here!
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