Anyone who reads Army Wife 101 should know that I lived on Skype when my husband was deployed. Let’s just say it’s how we kept the fire alive *hehe* . More importantly it’s how my kids were able to have their dad share in on their lives from thousands of miles away. Birthdays , holidays and so much more were all made alittle easier because my husband could join in.
Many times I have thought it would be great if somehow we could have recorded those special moments, like the time hubby got to watch the kiddos open their Christmas gifts while he was in Iraq…special moment indeed!
Recently I learned about a program called ” SuperTinTin” which allows users to record their Skype conversations, video included. Just as you make videos of normal everyday life at home with the kids, you now would have the opportunity to record all those awesome times your family spends online with your loved one overseas.
Or…what about those stories I have heard from some of you wives who have told your soldier you were pregnant via Skype, how cool would it be to record his reaction? For those who are far away from family this is also a nice way to record the time spent talking to family and friends across the country or world.
- Both Audio and Video: Record all audio and video streams including Skype voice mail and screen sharing video.
- Easiest to Use: Very easy to record and playback.
- Highest Quality: Supertintin records Skype calls by capturing original media data while making sure there is no data loss. Because it is not a screen-capture recorder, video quality is not affected at all if you open, close, resize messenger windows while recording.
- Picture-in-Picture: Record video in Picture-in-Picture, Side-by-Side, Remote-Only, or Local-Only mode! And you can also record local and remote video as two separate files.
- Saving. Supertintin lets you easily save your conversations to your computer’s hard drive or a portable USB drive, allowing you to re-watch your personal and business conversations as easily as watching your favourite DVD.
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21 Comments on *CLOSED*Ever Wanted to Record A Special Moment On Skype…Now You Can!
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Wow, never heard of it. Hope I’m one of the first seven, though I doubt it… LOL
whoops. I would record Skype chats with the grandparents & kids.
I would absolutely love this software. My husband is frequently deployed and we would love to be able to capture our family moments together! I actually just recorded Christmas via Skype, but it was from my? phone. How cool would it be to actually have a good quality copy of these memories?
This is absolutely amazing!
I’d use it to record conversations with my nephews and their uncle (my husband).. They miss him so much.. its sad. It would be great memories
My husband is deployed right now and travels alot when he is home so I would definately use it to record missed holidays and conversations with our families who are very far away.
Wow, I wish I had that when my husband was deployed!
…and especially when I showed him his first new car that I got for him right before he came home!
What a great thing to have. I would record my mom talking with my son and my son and nephew getting to play.
Omg thats sooo cool!!!!i would record EVERTHING..:)this is our first deployment first year married soo its been rough on me!!!just being able to record something funny and play it back when im sad would help A LOT!!!!!!
It is my husbands first deployment and our first child is 4 months old- I would record anything and everything!! He feels he is missing everything =( First would be how I read her the recordable books and she gets soo excited to hear his voice!! It’s the smallest things I guess, I am a first time mom so can you blame me?? =)
My soldier hubby has deployed seven times in the last 4 1/2 years since we got married. We haven’t even gotten to live together yet (though we are working on that). I have thought before as we were Skyping that it would be so nice to record even the mundane conversations, so that I could watch them on those in-between days when I couldn’t hear from him. Of course any big events would be recorded as well, but for us just “Seeing” each other is a BIG event!
that is such an awesome product. and i would love to try it with my kids. our 10th anniversary is coming up after valentine’s day and this would be great to use with him. where can i get it from?
I would love this. My husband is
I’m a newly wed 12/16/11 :) he’s the love of my life!! My world was falling apart I
Lost my job my apartment and my car 2008 but the best part he fell in love with me at my worst. He has two little boys ages 3 and 10 and I have two boys ages 7 and 9 we all complete each other. It’s truly amazing to find love so strong. My love is in Kuwait we get to chat on Facebook but we don’t Skype very often because his connection is so bad it cuts off. If I could record those moments that we do get to Skype it would mean the world to me and the rest of our family. His schedule is 9 hours ahead of me so getting to talk to the boys is hard for him. If he could record messages it would be awesome and a lot easier for him to talk to them. I know everyone could benefit from this prize its an amazing product :)
I would love to win so I could record my husband opening the care packages I send him!
This is awesome! My husband (who is deployed) and I were just talking about how it would be great to have a way to record skype moments. I would love this to record my husband’s smile and laugh while he is deployed and so he can have the same of me :-)
I would just record our random conversations any time just because it’s hard enough being away from him for our first year of marriage, it would just be fun to see once he’s home what kind of dumb things we talked about! LoL!
I would record the conversations between my hubby and our niece and nephew. He loves them so much since we don’t have children of our own and they moved a few states away while he was deployed.
This is a really cool idea. I would use it when talking to my family. It’s hard being away for holidays, and it would be neat to be able to record skype conversations.
I would love this I would record our little girls first everything he is missing her first year while deployed it would be great to have to look back on for the whole family also would record my boys everyday life so he would feel like he is not missing out on them growing up.