We’ve said it a million times that deployments suck for both spouses and the service members. They are miserable , draining, boring, lonely, should I keep going? However, they can be made easier if a military spouse has just a few things for the duration of the deployment.



Deployment Snacks

Because sure, you can get into shape during a deployment, but every so often binging out on $5 gelato and expensive chocolate or cupcakes feels real good.

A Knife

Because the zombie apocalyse might just happen during a deployment! Keep a knife in your drawer near by and remember go for the head.

A Netflix account

Every milspouse must have at least three series ( with 2+ seasons each already out) that they’re hooked on which, if timed correctly will get you through at least the first 4 months. One affair im sure you’re spouse won’t mind is with Netflix!

A Friend To Shoot The Breeze With

Every milspouse needs that one chica that they can share a cheap bottle of Riunite or Pink Moscato with on a Friday night while the kids are watching cartoons or asleep at one of your houses. This is the friend that you can talk complete and utter nonsense with, who won’t judge you and who you can totally be yourself with.


Despite what you’ve heard about these chicks-you will need them. Want to know why? You see when it’s time for the guys and gals to come back, they are the ones who are going to have the details. You might want to occasionally go to a meeting or at least make nice.

A Body Pillow

Let me assure you that while there will be days you are glad to spread out like a snow angel in your bed, you will certainly miss your spouses cuddle and touch. Body Pillows are the bomb and make you feel secure. Get one here.

A Supply of Bubble Bath

The minute the kids go down treat yourself to the hottest bubble bath you can. Set aside 30 minutes a day when you can do this. Don’t fall into the I don’t shower for 5 days stuff because that’s nasty. I have kids and believe me you can find the time for this bath. Besides the bubbles and the $.75 cents worth of water you will use it’s an inexpensive luxury!

Parent’s Day Out

I know when I lived on base they had a program called Parent’s Day Out. You could drop your kid off for a small fee ( and at one point it was free) and be free to just woosah. Go to Tar-jay, grab Starbucks, and roam around like a happy zombie.

A Goal

Deployments are one of the best times to figure out a goal. Use this time to create one goal, so the whole deployment doesn’t seem like such a loss of time. It can be as small as a promise to make one thing from Pinterest every month, to finishing your degree.

Cry Fest

So at least once every 2 weeks turn on a love story, that deployment song, or a homecoming video and let the tears flow. You’ll feel better. All that built up stress of doing everything will release its self.


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Krystel is the mom of two and an Army Wife. In addition to Army Wife 101 she is the Co-Founder of SoFluential.com a digital media agency that connects brands with the military market. She has appeared on MSNBC ,FOX LA and formerly was a weekly contributor to HLN's "Raising America". She has written for various outlets including Sheknows and Lifetime and is a big fan of cupcakes and french fries.

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