A few weeks ago I wrote this post about how Huggies Diapers was partnering up with the Armed Service YMCA to give out over 5 million free diapers to military families.
Read That Article and Details Here.
At the time of that blog post only three military installations were listed and we were told to check back to see when more bases would be added for the Huggies Diaper events. Thanks to one of my readers (thanks Arica) for bringing to my attention that Fort Bragg , Fort Pope and Camp Lejeune are all on the upcoming list for families there to receive a free case of diapers.
Details Below:
The Fort Bragg | Camp Lejeune Armed Services YMCA will be organizing multiple events (TBD) for Military stationed at Fort Bragg, Pope Army Air Field or Camp Lejeune. Please continue to watch the Ft. Bragg Facebook Page and the Camp Lejeune Facebook page for updates. They plan to begin handing out vouchers to military ID card holders, E-5 and below, on 10 July from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm and continue until they are all accounted for. At that time participants will be given a date and time for pick up. Military ID card holders will need their ID Card and their child’s birth certificate for verification. Please bring a thank you note made out to Kimberly-Clarke and the ASYMCA. Please contact the Ft. Bragg Facebook Page or the Camp Lejeune Facebook page for more information.
Best of Luck Getting Those Diapers!
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