As you know the nit wits in Washington couldn’t be grownups and come to a resolution last night therefore officially shutting down the government as of yesterday morning.

While Active Duty were fortunate enough to keep their pay , the commissaries where they shop for groceries here in the US will not remain open. They will reopen when the government shutdown is over.

I asked some readers to send me their candid shots of what the commissary looked like at their base and this is what I was sent.


Tell me this doesn’t look like something from an apocalypse movie??

The Line Fort Sill Commissary
The Line Fort Sill Commissary


Wow the line at Fort Huachuca!
Wow the line at Fort Huachuca!
Shaw AFB: This person said they were in the frozen food aisle but when they finally saw the light they snapped this pic lol!
Shaw AFB: This person said they were in the frozen food aisle but when they finally saw the light they snapped this pic lol!


Fort Stewart meat cases!
Fort Stewart meat cases!
This reader said the line was wrapped all the way to the back. They had a pretty good spot though.
This reader said the line was wrapped all the way to the back. They had a pretty good spot though.



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8 Comments on Semi Wordless Wednesday: Scenes From The Commissary: The Struggle Was Real Yesterday

  1. This is so sad to see….. I hardly ever shipped at commi while living stateside. Not even like they had this stuff on sale!

  2. Fort irwin commissary is still open because we are 40 miles away from a grocery store… if it would have shut down it would have been really difficult for fanilies on post without a car to get to a grocery store…

  3. Clearly those that have made such negative comments do not have families with kids that they have to feed. You cannot beat the price of meat at the commissary. I coupon like a mad woman and still I cannot find the best place to shop now that the commissaries have closed. A lot of families that shop their shop once a month. Lots of military families only have 1 car so its hard to get to the store that’s not on base. My 92 year old grandmother has shopped once a month at the commissary for years and this is a huge change for her. They keep saying that the military has not been cut. Wrong! My husband is a reservist and he was told today that there is no more drill weekends until further notice. We do not live outside of our means by any point so not having that extra income plus not having the commissary is a huge problem.

  4. Our Government is so lucky the Military is more loyal to the Government than the Government is loyal to the Military

  5. The government has really made things difficult for us all, stateside and overseas. We’re currently stationed overseas and have heard PCS orders, Early Return of Dependent requests, and Compassionate Reassignments are placed on hold while this is being dealt with. I’ve been waiting weeks for orders for Early Return to the states to give birth to our daughter, now we’ll be planning to pay out of pocket which is a huge expense for us! Wish they could see just how affected people like us are really taking it. :( Really disappointed in the childish actions of Congress.

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