I will be documenting my entire PCS journey from Hawaii to North Carolina, throughout the following weeks. When living overseas or OCONUS (yes Hawaii is considered overseas) you get an express shipment of goods that you can send before your actual household goods are packed up. Find out what exactly this is and what we have chosen to pack in our express shipment in the video below:

I would love to hear what you pack in your express shipment, share in the comments below!



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17 Comments on Live PCS: Unaccompanied Baggage Pickup Was Today!

  1. Very helpful! I wish this had been posted when we did our PCS to Germany.
    In our unaccompanied baggage we packed linens, kids toys, a few appliances (which ended up being useless because we were not allowed to have on post housing – so the plugs were wrong lol), my desktop computer, some warmer clothes for the fall, all my darling husband’s TA-50 (which does NOT count toward the weight restrictions) and a few movies and things. Ours did arrive about 3 weeks prior to our household goods so we were glad we sent it.
    Best of luck with your PCS! I hope you are thrilled with your new station!

  2. I am leaving hawaii to georgia april 15th…when do i need to ship my household goods?!?! any advice would be appreciated..

  3. Our UAB was a little different. We were moving someplace with a welcome kit that had sheets, towels, dishes, toaster, coffee pot… I packed my pillow, half of my pots and pans, a bunch of toys (which didn’t count toward our weight as it was my pro goods for being a Discovery Toys consultant), my husband’s pro goods, and some videos for the kids. I’m sure that there was more, but I don’t recall and I really wish I did as we will be doing this all over again in just a few months. I’m already in the clean and sell mode.

  4. I think this is a great video for anyone who has never experienced it. When we went to Hawaii, we did an unaccompanied goods…it actually got there AFTER our household goods!!! So..what’s the point! We are about to PCS to Germany, so I will do it again…but I will also do what I did on the way to HI. We packed one LARGE Suitcase of immediate goods we would need/want (thankfully, cause it’s what got us through)–we packed sheets, a radio/cd player, a lamp, one pan, one pot, open seasonings the packers wouldn’t pack, (that stuff is EXPENSIVE, and you’ll want it fairly quick) Cards/dice, bath towels, beach towels, swim gear (goggles, etc) coffee pot, extra toiletries, etc. We also put in blow up air mattresses/cots, sleeping bags, DVD player etc in our unaccompained goods. Good luck with your move!

  5. Excellent video, Krystal! We experienced the same thing arriving here in Hawaii with our unaccompanied baggage. We PCS’d from Germany and sent our things way ahead of time. So, I didn’t’ understand that at all. But going to Germany, we had our unaccompanied baggage a few weeks before the rest of our stuff, so it worked out good there. I hope you enjoy Ft. Bragg!!

  6. This was a very cute video. I shipped my Christmas tree and decore in my unaccompanied baggage because we were moving to Korea in Nov/Dec and there was no way I could live without my Christmas stuff. It is true that the stuff gets there almost the same time. We ship things like pups stuff, living room chairs, little kitchen table, clothes, computers, electronics, linens, toiletries, etc.

  7. Thank you for a great video! In spite of 30+ years as a military spouse, I find myself scrambling to learn about OCONUS moves, as I face my first one! You rock!

  8. Yeah… So, the advantage of UB really only kicks in if you get your orders soon. Then you can schedule a MUCH earlier pick-up date for UB; this will allow the items you sent as UB to arrive AHEAD of you and be there while you wait for your HHG. Would have been great if someone explained that and orders were cut sooner!

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