I won’t pretend to know everything , but what I am good at is pointing you in the right direction.

It’s  no secret that many spouses have heard that the GI Bill is now transferable and that dependents have a chance to use it. The confusion comes as to who is eligible , how you become eligible and just where oh where, can you find more information about the logistics of using the GI Bill.

While on Twitter earlier I came across GIBILLINFO.COM where I saw that a soldier asked if his wife could use the GI Bill and how does she go about using it.

Click for Response

The response gives some clarification as to many of the eligibility requirements for the soldier to transfer these benefits. The site it self if filled with a wealth of information and will be a great help to those of you seeking answers on this issue.

The last informative resource I found is the “Official GI Bill  Government Site” which can be visited at  http://www.gibill.va.gov/. Here you can check your eligibility as well as apply.

Hooah & Smooches

Army Wife 101



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