A soon to be Army Wife wrote me basically wanting to know about how life is as a military wife. She wanted to know about living with him during AIT , making friends and living onpost.
2012 Military Pay Chart
How To Make Friends Onpost
My Husband Just Joined The Army…Now What?
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Krystel is the mom of two and an Army Wife. In addition to Army Wife 101 she is the Co-Founder of SoFluential.com a digital media agency that connects brands with the military market.
She has appeared on MSNBC ,FOX LA and formerly was a weekly contributor to HLN's "Raising America". She has written for various outlets including Sheknows and Lifetime and is a big fan of cupcakes and french fries.
I agree with what you said about marriage…if you’re not ready to do it, don’t do it just b/c he is joining the military!! …and I also agree that you gotta get use to being without them.
My husband went through 3 12 month deployments and 1 15 month deployment. I’m hearing now that deployments will be 9 months long now, but I’m sure that vary according to MOS.
I personally love this life b/c I love moving around and meeting new people. I have met some of the most wonderful women ever in this lifestyle.
I agree Jamie , moving around and meeting folks from various walks of life is the one part I enjoy the most. Thanks for sharing!
It is definitely what you make it. My biggest advice to people living on base or as you American call it living on post is avoid the drama makers. Just do it, trust me it will make your life easier. It is a hard life, I won’t lie but it is a life to be proud of. Take it day by day and find your support system.
I just started reading your Twitter/blog and wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying it. My boyfriend is currently 6 months into his deployment in Afghanistan and I will be moving in with him when he returns. It’s really reassuring to hear your voice on these things and I really appreciate your honesty (not everywhere will be great!). Thanks so much and just know you have a new loyal follower!
Hi Koko,
Thanks so much for choosing to stop on by and take a look. I am so glad to have you as a follower and I am pretty sure you will find some helpful tidbits to help you on your journey as an Army GF and spouse. Have a great week!
Hi Koko,
I am glad you are enjoying my blog and hope it continues to be a useful tool. Thanks so much for taking time to comment!
My piece(s) of advice is. Patience, FRG, and stepping a little outside of your comfort zone to reach out and meet people. It’s not an easy life style but it’s not a bad one once…you get use to it. It’s going to be a hard few years of marriage and that’s because it’s life plus the military.
Im trying to prepare for my journey as a armywife, my husband is going through will be going through testing and exams next week.I am trying to fine out i will be able to get BAH while he is in basic training and ait, so i can pay rent while he is away? Also what is more comfortable for most wifes in the beginning living on base or off base ?
My fiancée is signing his papers this week. We planned on getting married later but now with two kids were doing before he leaves for basic. I’m terrified. Does the fear of losing them ever end. I can’t imagine life without him and my kids. I know this will be great for our family and I’ll get to travel meet new people. But I can’t get over the fear. Any ideas that will help with that.