Q. How is the Army’s on post housing size determined?

I was wondering if this is based off of rank, family size, or the people in charge of housing.  I’m sure it has a bit to do with all of the above but what are the guidelines on this. 

A. You will hear various accounts from people who have had different dealings with housing in the size of the house they received. Generally speaking the number of bedrooms you will receive is based on the number , age and gender of the dependents. Rank does play a part in the sense that many bases have housing areas specifically for E-1-E-5 and then E-6 -E-8 and BAH differs for ranks as well.

A great place to learn more about housing and ask questions is the Army Housing Page on Facebook.



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10 Comments on Ask ArmyWife101: How Is Onpost Housing Size Determined?

  1. There is always special compensation given for the TOP ranks too. For example, where we are now (MacDill AFB, Florida), there is a small row of houses that are for Chief (E-9) ONLY, in a premiere location facing the Bay, and with slightly better accomodations than the rest of Sr. NCO housing (such as a screened-in patio). At our last base there were Chiefs who received 4-bedroom homes with one or even zero children, just because of their elevated rank. This can be understandably frustrating when large families sit for months on the housing lists while these great houses sit empty or go to someone who really does NOT need that much space (or could more easily afford premium accomodations off base), but the system is what it is and has always been designed in mind of “rank has its priveleges.” The sooner you learn to live within the system and express yourself with the American “Whatever.” or the french “C’est la vie,” the happier you will be with Base housing and what it DOES have to offer. :)

    We’re off base this year, because my dh *insisted* we needed to buy. I miss being on Base, a LOT, for all the conveniences and community and easy fellowship of other military wives who really “get” our lifestyle! :)

  2. It exhausting to search out knowledgeable people on this matter, however you sound like you already know what you?e talking about! Thanks

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